Saturday, June 7, 2014

Sahabat mandarin pernah dengar kan partikel "了” le?
"了” le digunakan untuk menunjukkan makna “sudah/telah” terjadi, kalau dalam bahasa inggris seperti penggunaan “past tense”. Bagaimana menggunakannya? Ngga susah kok, "了” le biasanya digunakan setelah kata kerja, contohnya
Saya sudah makan : 我吃饭了
Saya sudah lihat : 我看了
Saya sudah katakan : 我说了
Dia sudah tahu: 他知道了
Mereka sudah pergi: 他们走了
Anak sudah tidur: 孩子睡觉了
Cukup mudah ya sahabat Mandarin? Selamat belajar

Friday, May 16, 2014

Asking Time In Chinese

Asking Vocabulary in Chinese Time

Time is very important in the life of every person, wherever we are, even though time is different but we always wondered, now what time is it?

Let's discuss together, how to use a sentence that shows the current clock / time. Do not forget to repeat the vocabulary related to time ~

How The clock now? : 现在 几点 了? - Xiàn zài diǎn le?

The formula is easy:

Here's an example

- 06.00 a.m : 早上六 点(钟*) Zǎoshang liù diǎn (zhōng*) 
       * use of (zhōng)  may used and may also not.
- 08.30 a.m : 上午 八点 半* Shàngwǔ bā diǎn bàn        * means 30 minutes.
- 12.00 p.m : 中午十二点 (钟)Zhōngwǔ shí’èr diǎn (zhōng) 
- 03.00 p.m : 下午三点(钟)Xiàwǔ sān diǎn (zhōng)  
- 10.10 p.m : 晚上 十点 十分 Wǎnshàng shí diǎn shí fēn
- 01.30 凌晨一点半 Língchén yīdiǎn bàn
        *凌晨 Língchén : midnight before down


Monday, May 12, 2014

Learn To Answer Thank you In Mandarin

Sentence Answer to Speech "xie xie谢谢Thank You"

Answer to Speech "谢谢Thank You"
In everyday life we often hear the words "Thank You ". When someone says "thank you " to us , a lot of expressions that we use to answer them , very often we hear is "Welcome" or that often appear later saying " be happy " .In Mandarin it is also a lot of ways tablets to reply saying "thank you " . During this time we often hear when someone says "谢谢xiexie" then the answer is "不客气
Bù kèqì " .  Later I found several different sentences to answer the greeting "谢谢xiexie ". Let us together kulik ~谢谢greeting sentences to answer :
  • 不客气 bu kè qì or 别客气Bie kè qì : do not hesitate 
  • 不用 客气Bu yong kè qì : no need to hesitate
  • 你 太 客气 了Nǐ Tai kè qì le : you are too shy !
( usually the phrase is also used to replace the sentence in a state "谢谢xiexie", example : a young man came to his parent's house and bring gifts , the parents can say 你 太 客气 了! . Or when a young child express their deep gratitude in older people )
  • 谢 什么 啦? Xie Shenme la : Thank you what the heck ?
( This phrase is commonly used among peers) 
  •  应该 的Yīnggāi de : It should  
( This phrase is usually used in situations for example , general dikendaraan a young man gave his seat to the elderly . sentence is quite common in Taiwan )
  • 不会bu hui : No
( This remark is also frequently encountered in Taiwan )
  • 不要紧Búyàojǐn : Never mind ( in English : never mind )
( Speech is often found use in Shanghai )
  •  没关系Méiguānxì : It's okay
  • 没事Meishi : No problem

Mandarin companions heard other sentence ? share yuk ....

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